Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A Midwinter Fantasy in print form

Well, I now know that the Trade edition of A MIDWINTER FANTASY will tentatively be available in bookstores in October 2011. 


It is still available as an e-book, of course.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Playing with the website design

I'm just playing around with the website design here, thanks to Blogger and its handy dandy do-it-for-you template features.  I've added a few webpages here for the books.  I do have my own site, but I find it really hard to update.  It's a multi-step process that takes me forever to do, which is probably why it doesn't get updated much (or at all).  Maybe I'll just set the URL to have a redirect to send it here to this blog and just have that as my site. 

A Midwinter Fantasy available for the Kindle

The anthology I'm in, A MIDWINTER FANTASY, is now available as an e-book for the kindle.  You can get it on amazon.com, so yay for that at last.

I heard today that the hoped-for release date for QUEEN OF THE SYLPHS is September, 2011.  That's all I know about that one at this point.