Friday, November 19, 2010


Today THE BATTLE SYLPH was listed by the Library Journal as one of the five best romance novels for all of 2010.  Woohoo!  I'm pretty happy about that.

The Library Journal


  1. I love your books! Congratulations on making one of the top 5 :-)

  2. Fabulous news for a very deserving book! I'm anxious to read the next book in the sylph series, and am really bummed that the printing of it is running into a snag. I hope it gets resolved soon! Please, please, please keep writing!

  3. You are so gifted! Few are able to create a story in such consistent depth and detail. I love the Sylph Series and hope you can continue it for a long time to come. In my humble opinion your books are up there right next to those by the most seasoned of PNR authors. Thank you for sharing your special gift!!

    Christine B.

  4. Thanks for your comments, everyone. :) I really appreciate it. Positive feedback really does a whole lot to keep me writing on those days when things aren't quite going right. :)

  5. PLEASE keep writing!

    I loved both of the "Sylph" books and went to Amazon to see what else you had available. Your subject material is different, but still positive instead of 'dark'. I will be getting a Kindle, someday. Soon.

    Congrats on the professional Kudos! That always helps one feel our efforts are worthwhile.

  6. Thank you. :) So do posts such as these.
